Agent / Advisor Marketing

A handshake may start the relationship, but frequent connections will create the appointment and secure your client’s loyalty.

Double Your commssions advisor marketing

People do business with those they know, like and trust. Frequent communication attracts appointments to you! We have helped thousands of agents, advisors and Fortune 500 companies double their commissions.

man calling responders on phone

Why Financial Advisors and Agents Use e-Relationship?


To Get Noticed and Stay Connected

Poor communication is the #No.1 reason advisors lose clients. Maintaining a consistent connection makes a difference. In fact it can mean keeping your clients. Thousands of financial professionals use e-Relationship to keep in touch with their clients and prospects.


Lead-Generating Dynamic Content

Content is the key! Our patented e-Storyboards start the conversation. Our content library includes an array of 18 digital content modules expertly written to generate significant new business opportunities. A collection of pre-built, compliance-approved email communication messages is ready at your fingertips.


Prospecting Made Easy

e-Relationship takes the guess work out of knowing what your clients and prospects are interested in. Many financial agents and advisors have the issue of misreading their clients' and prospects' needs. This results in frustration and potential decrease in client retention. e-Relationship creates raise-your-hand responses generated from your recipients. These responses tell you exactly what they may be interested in.


24/7 Marketing Assistant

Our easy-to-use marketing automation feature provides you with the opportunity for frequent connections with clients, prospects, and Centers of Influence via automated (“set it and forget it”) communications — as well as individual and group email messages. Our contact grabber automatically adds new prospects and clients to your database. All of this is done behind the scenes so you can spend time where it matters the most.


Automatic Real Time Notification of Leads

Your email recipients always have the opportunity to respond directly to you. This gives you the power to call on hot leads immediately. Text message response features are also available so you can follow up on the go.


No Long-Term Contracts

There are no long-term contracts. Subscribers keep it because it works.