Double Your Recruitment.I've hired 6 new representatives from responses to the recruiting e-Storyboards. I highly recommend e-Relationship to any manager in our industry interested in opening doors, building relationships and creating first appointment opportunities with new recruiting prospects

double your comission with agent recruiting
double your comission with agent recruiting

Agent Recruiting Marketing

Get Connected! Stay Connected! Get Recruits!

Keep track of recruiting candidates by keeping them informed. Increasing recruiting appointments is our primary objective. We have helped thousands of recruiters and managers increase their ROI.

Our Recruiting Storyboards* are written to generate recruiting opportunities by attracting potential candidates to your career opportunity or to attain referrals from Centers of Influence. Storyboards and newsletters are grouped by target markets such as inexperienced agents, experienced agents, female agents, and Center of Influence so you can send the right information at the right time. Some prospects will respond immediately and others will take time to attract, but the continuous contact will keep you top-of-mind and eventually incur significant results. Keep your Centers of Influence constantly informed.

Your automated email marketing campaigns will keep you connected 18-plus times per year. Just add names and wait for the responses!

Manager Analytics

Keep Up to Date on How Your Advisors Are Doing.

weekly manager report

It’s all about accountability: People do what you review, but it’s impossible to review weekly expectations without analytics. Prospecting requires a mindset change and management oversight. If you don’t manage it, advisors fail. This is where our manager’s weekly report of advisor prospecting activity helps! Every week we will send you a review of your Agents' activities. This will give you an overview of your advisors' productivitiy. In addition, our Agent Recruiting Marketing Service include a robust Manager view with up-to-date key performance indicators (KPIs) such as top producers by leads, opens, and click-throughs as well as top content. Included FREE with each Agent Recruiting Account.




double your comission with agent recruiting

double your comission with agent recruiting


Power Recruiting Day

Schedule 100-Plus Interviews in One Day with Higher-Quality Candidates Than Ever Before!

The Problem:

Recruiting is less an issue of interviewing technique than finding the number of quality candidates needed. Hiring a client delivers a five-year retention rate that is more than 60% higher than the industry average. The challenge is that advisors rarely consider referring clients and certainly not enough to sustain your growth objectives.

The Solution:

A Power Recruiting Day® is a game changer. A recruiting-day email campaign to clients and friends will deliver more interviews in one day (clients and client referrals) than ever before. The Power Recruiting Day will consist of coaching and followup webinar calls throughout the day. The end result is faster agency growth than ever experienced. You’ll schedule more interviews in one day with exceptional candidates than ever before, resulting in faster agency growth by hiring talent you would never have discovered otherwise.No one has ever had a “bad” Power Recruiting Day. Everyone experiences hiring a new candidate – usually multiple candidates!

Set More Appointments with Top-Tier Candidates in 8 Hours Than You've Ever Experienced!

Start Today with a $1 Subscriptions.








Build a Better Agent with P200 and Market Evaluator

See a 30% Increase in New Agent Production!

weekly manager report

Streamline team building while giving new hires a jumpstart on prospecting! With our manager accounts, each new potential member of your team has access to a free P200 e-Relationship account that tracks details of their performance as they build their database, collects data on where they’re most likely to find their next and most responsive clients, and reveals how likely they are to be successful.


After hire, each new agent will have access to discounted pricing for a full year! See a 30% increase in new agent productvity with our proprietary P200 and Market Evaluator program!